Bleeker Boys

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Starting in the middle

I'm not good at this kind of thing. I've never been able to keep a journal and I forget to take pictures for weeks at a time. I DO remember to feed and clothe my kids-- yeah, pretty proud of that one. So this blog is an experiment -- how long can it go on? How interested can anyone be in the normality of my existence?

So the basics- I'm a 30 year old mother of three little boys Johnny (6), Brandon (5) and Thomas (3). I've been married for almost 12 years to the King of Bleeker Street, Joe. We are expecting baby number four in early July. As active members of our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we work to teach our kids (and more often ourselves) how to be more like our Savior while keeping all those bits of flavor that make us who we are. I mean we all know the stuff stuck on the bottom of the pan makes the best gravy and gravy is my favorite part of ANY meal.

So here I am starting in the middle: In the middle of my journey through motherhood, in the middle of my life as a wife and homemaker, in the middle of my quest to be the kind of person my Savior would want me to be while still being me. If anyone decides to read this blog there are a few things you should know- I probably will not have very many pretty pictures to post, I can be off-puttingly honest and at times just plain off-putting and I most-likely will never make a cool recipe or craft that you'll want to know the details of. I can promise that I'll be straightforward,  sappy (cause that's how I roll) and that there's a good chance you'll come out of it feeling better about yourself and your parenting skills. So here it goes- the experiment begins and as I learned in Jerling Junior High- every good experiment needs a hypothesis.

Hypothesis: Emily will write on her blog Bleeker Street for a few weeks at least. She will laugh, cry, use poor grammar and way too many commas while finding new and exciting ways to embarrass herself on the world wide web. She will see some of you there. It will be, like everything else in life, an adventure.

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